Amherst College

Financial Aid & Scholarships

  • Are undocumented students eligible for need-based aid?: Yes
  • Other financial aid information: CSS Profile

Admissions Information

  • Are undocumented students considered international or domestic?: Domestic.
  • Are you need-blind for undocumented students?: Yes.
  • Are there any restrictions on merit aid for undocumented students at your school?: Amherst College does not offer merit aid. all aid is need-based. We provide aid to meet 100% of a student"s demonstrated financial need with grants and student employment. student loans are not part of our institutional financial aid packages.
  • Does your school provide merit aid specially for undocumented students?: Amherst College does not offer merit aid at all, to anyone.
  • How would their status affect their application?: A student"s undocumented status would not have a detrimental effect on our admission decision. Because Amherst practices holistic evaluation, we encourage applicants to share with us any information that they believe will provide useful context for our understanding of them as students and people.
  • Is there a special contact point for undocumented students?: There is no special contact for undocumented students in the Amherst Admission Office. Because Amherst College is committed to increased access to higher education as part of our institutional mission, all Admission deans are attuned to the needs of undocumented students.

Student Life

  • Are there organized groups or clubs comprised of or advocating for undocumented students in your school?: Yes
  • How often does your office receive applications from undocumented students?: Regularly, every year.
  • Does the campus police enforce immigration law?: No
  • Does your school share student immigration status with ICE?: No, not voluntarily.
  • Does your school provide distance-learning options for deported students to complete their degrees?: We have no established policy on this issue.
  • Does your school provide confidential legal support to students with immigration law questions and issues?: Yes

Other Information