Creighton University
Omaha, NE
https://creighton.eduAdmissions Information
- Other admissions information: Yes, because then we can help you with the need-based aid process and connect you with various support services on campus.
- Are undocumented students considered international or domestic?: Domestic
- Are you need-blind for undocumented students?: We are need-blind all applications.
- Are there any restrictions on merit aid for undocumented students at your school?: Merit scholarships are solely based on merit, nothing else.
- Does your school provide merit aid specially for undocumented students?: There are no scholarships specific to undocumented students. There are additional scholarships available for special programs. To be eligible, you need to complete your application by December 1.
- How would their status affect their application?: Citizenship status plays no factor in the admissions process.
- Is there a special contact point for undocumented students?: Nope! You"ll work with your admissions counselor for your high school.
- What other piece of advice would you give an undocumented student hoping for admission at your school?: Do not stress about your status in the admissions process. When we review your application, we want to see that you"ll be a good fit on our campus and a successful student.
Other Information
Financial Aid & Scholarships
- Are undocumented students eligible for need-based aid?: Yes and we will help you with this process.
- If need-based aid is not available, is there a feasible path undocumented students can take to pay for their education with stackable merit scholarships, loans and/or grants from your school?: You can stack scholarships with need-based aid.
- What would be the requirements for such scholarships and what would a student's chances of getting them?: Scholarships are based on merit: grades, extra-curricular and leadership activities, any test scores you decide to submit, etc. Most students qualify for some level of scholarship.
- Other financial aid information: We have our own version of the FAFSA that we will have you complete for need-based aid.
Student Life
- Are there organized groups or clubs comprised of or advocating for undocumented students in your school?: We do have a committee of staff and faculty who discuss needs of undocumented students, to make sure they are supported on campus. We have various departments that advocate for and offer support services for undocumented students.
- How often does your office receive applications from undocumented students?: We get many applications every year from undocumented students.
- Does your school allow Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers onto campus without a warrant?: No, we would not.
- Does the campus police enforce immigration law?: Nope, our campus safety is a security team, not the police.
- Does your school share student immigration status with ICE?: We only share the information that we legally have to, such as student visa information.
- Does your school provide distance-learning options for deported students to complete their degrees?: I"m not sure we"ve run into this in the past, but we may be able to support a student who needs to be virtual for a short time.