Harvey Mudd College

Claremont, CA


Student Life

  • Does your school allow Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers onto campus without a warrant?: No
  • Are there organized groups or clubs comprised of or advocating for undocumented students in your school?: not one dedicated solely to undocumented students but this would be a component of at least two support programs here.
  • How often does your office receive applications from undocumented students?: Probably fewer than a dozen per year.
  • Does the campus police enforce immigration law?: We do not have campus police. campus safety is not allowed to enforce any laws.
  • Does your school share student immigration status with ICE?: No
  • Does your school provide distance-learning options for deported students to complete their degrees?: No

Admissions Information

  • Are undocumented students considered international or domestic?: international students
  • Are you need-blind for undocumented students?: No
  • Are there any restrictions on merit aid for undocumented students at your school?: yes, one of our merit award programs is only open to US citizens and US permanent residents. By contrast, we have two merit award programs that are only open to international students and the undocumented students can (and has been) awarded these funds.
  • Does your school provide merit aid specially for undocumented students?: No
  • Is there a special contact point for undocumented students?: No
  • What other piece of advice would you give an undocumented student hoping for admission at your school?: Contact us directly.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

  • Are undocumented students eligible for need-based aid?: Yes, but the budget is very small and that limits our ability to offer admission. Those we do offer admission we meet 100% of calculated need.
  • If need-based aid is not available, is there a feasible path undocumented students can take to pay for their education with stackable merit scholarships, loans and/or grants from your school?: We do meet 100% of demonstrated need for those we would admit who are undocumented students (or international students, generally)
  • What would be the requirements for such scholarships and what would a student's chances of getting them?: It is super competitive to gain admission as an international student who needs aid (and undocumented students fall into this category. We generally can offer admission to about 5 people out of perhaps 400 candidates.
  • Other financial aid information: Those exact 4.

Other Information