Mcdaniel College

Westminster, MD

Other Information

  • Special contact: Admissions Counselor

Admissions Information

  • Does your school provide merit aid specially for undocumented students?: No, merit aid is looked at the same for all students.
  • How would their status affect their application?: It would not affect their application.
  • Is there a special contact point for undocumented students?: We do it based off of where their school is located just like US citizens, and this determines who their Admissions Counselor would be.
  • Are undocumented students considered international or domestic?: They are considered international students.
  • Are you need-blind for undocumented students?: Yes, the scholarship and merit based are the same for undocumented students.
  • Are there any restrictions on merit aid for undocumented students at your school?: There are no restrictions on merit aid for undocumented students.
  • What other piece of advice would you give an undocumented student hoping for admission at your school?: Start process as soon as they can and be very proactive in things like higher level scholarship that are competition based and be very attentive for additional opportunities because some opportunities are not as plentiful when it comes to need based aid for undocumented students and maximizing that potential.
  • Other admissions information: On our application, we ask for a student citizenship status.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

  • Are undocumented students eligible for need-based aid?: Yes, but a limited amount of need-based aid for undocumented students.
  • If need-based aid is not available, is there a feasible path undocumented students can take to pay for their education with stackable merit scholarships, loans and/or grants from your school?: Undocumented students can use merit aid and limited need based as means for paying for education. If a student gets outside scholarships, they could bring them, and it would not reduce what McDaniel is giving them.
  • What would be the requirements for such scholarships and what would a student's chances of getting them?: If a student is looking to maximize on all scholarships, they need to complete the application no later than Dec 15 of their senior year. If they are considered for additional scholarships, we would reach out to student and let them know and this process is the same for US Students.
  • Other financial aid information: It is not required. students are automatically considered for need based aid.

Student Life

  • Are there organized groups or clubs comprised of or advocating for undocumented students in your school?: Nothing specific but we do have out Office of Diversity Equite and Inclusion as well as Global Bridge for students who identify from being from countries other than the United States where they come together and share cultural experiences. Also, students can start their own clubs if they have at least 5 students interested and a professor who would act as the advisor. This is through our Office of Student Engagement.
  • How often does your office receive applications from undocumented students?: Every year. There is not data collected from individual Counselors, but every year, each Counselor gets at least one.
  • Does your school allow Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers onto campus without a warrant?: It has never happened to my knowledge.
  • Does the campus police enforce immigration law?: No, the campus police do not enforce immigration law.
  • Does your school share student immigration status with ICE?: No, we are private institution.
  • Does your school provide distance-learning options for deported students to complete their degrees?: No, we do not offer distance learning for anyone. We are an on campus and in person institution.
  • Does your school provide confidential legal support to students with immigration law questions and issues?: We do not offer legal support for any of our students.