Oberlin College Arts And Sciences
Oberlin, OH
https://oberlin.eduAdmissions Information
- Are undocumented students considered international or domestic?: Undocumented students are considered domestic students at Oberlin.
- Are you need-blind for undocumented students?: As an institution, we are need-aware, but all undocumented students can and are encouraged to apply for need-based institutional financial aid through the CSS Profile
- Are there any restrictions on merit aid for undocumented students at your school?: All students, including undocumented students are eligible for our scholarships: music merit scholarships for conservatory applicants based on the audition, academic merit scholarships based on high school grades/academic achievement, and our $10k Commitment Scholarship (https://www.oberlin.edu/admissions-and-aid/financial-aid/applying-aid-prospective-students/oberlins-10000-commitment).
- How would their status affect their application?: Undocumented status does not affect their acceptance into Oberlin. DACA status is not required for admission to Oberlin.
- Is there a special contact point for undocumented students?: College applicants should be in contact with the counselor for the state the student lives in. conservatory applicants should be in touch with the Conservatory Admissions Office.
- What other piece of advice would you give an undocumented student hoping for admission at your school?: Don"t be afraid of reaching out with questions! Oberlin is partnered with Golden Scholars and has many resources on campus for undocumented students, including student organizations and a scholarship fund to help support students on campus. In addition, Oberlin is considered a sanctuary city.
- Other admissions information: Undocumented students do not need to share their status, though it may be necessary to inform either the College or Conservatory Admissions Office to adjust any requirements typically asked of international students when applying.
Financial Aid & Scholarships
- Are undocumented students eligible for need-based aid?: Yes! Oberlin is committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated need for admitted students.
- If need-based aid is not available, is there a feasible path undocumented students can take to pay for their education with stackable merit scholarships, loans and/or grants from your school?: As mentioned above, admissions scholarships are available for undocumented students who apply, dependent on the division they apply for (College of Arts & Sciences or Conservatory of Music). Virtually all conservatory applicants receive some amount of scholarships and all students who enroll receive the commitment scholarship. We also have funds on campus to support our current students.
- Other financial aid information: The CSS Profile is the application to send to Oberlin, our code is 1587.
Student Life
- Are there organized groups or clubs comprised of or advocating for undocumented students in your school?: Yes! Obies for Undocumented Inclusion is a student group that organizes events related to concerns of undocumented students. the El Centro Volunteer Initiative sponsor a variety of events to teach residents English & help prepare for the US Citizenship exam, and the Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) acts as a hub to support undocumented (and other marginalized/BIPOC) students.
- How often does your office receive applications from undocumented students?: This varies year to year.
- Does your school allow Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers onto campus without a warrant?: Any ICE or CBP officers should first be in contact with our director of Campus Safety if they do not have a warrant. Matters such as this are also handled with our Office of the Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary for legal purposes.
- Does the campus police enforce immigration law?: Our campus safety officers are not charged with enforcing federal immigration law and do not make inquiries into individual citizenship status. Formal requests by other law enforcement agencies are first reviewed by the Director of Safety & Security in consultation with the General Counsel and Security to ensure that the privacy interests of campus community members are fully protected. Similarly, the City of Oberlin, per its sanctuary status, will not seek to assist immigration authorities unless required by federal law.
- Does your school share student immigration status with ICE?: Oberlin must comply with federal requirements associated with managing its authorized international student and scholar programs. it otherwise does not share sensitive information such as immigration status. We do not provide information on immigration status to anyone except when required by law.
- Does your school provide distance-learning options for deported students to complete their degrees?: There is no clear answer on this at the time, though this year has introduced virtual/remote learning in new ways for our faculty and students which may be utilized for students who are not on campus for reasons outside of their control. In any regard, our faculty and staff are also extremely willing to work with students to ensure their success.
- Does your school provide confidential legal support to students with immigration law questions and issues?: No. However, the Multicultural Resource Center is the designated office to connect undocumented and DACA students to community and legal resources designed to serve the particular needs of this population. It is in the best interest that members of this vulnerable population be advised by immigration legal experts who can provide attorney-client privileged consultation to meet the unique needs of individual community members. The MRC has compiled a list of legal resources on their website.
Other Information
- Other information: The information you are looking for is available on our website (sites listed below). Admissions & Financial Aid Process: https://www.oberlin.edu/admissions-and-aid/arts-and-sciences/first-year-applicants#app-step-4 Student Life: https://www.oberlin.edu/mrc/student-resources/undocumented-daca-resources