Pomona College
Claremont, CA
https://pomona.eduAdmissions Information
- Other admissions information: In admissions and financial aid, Pomona considers undocumented and DACAmented students who graduate from a U.S. high school to be domestic applicants, and we review their applications for admission and financial aid by the same criteria. For more information regarding admissions, please email admissions@pomona.edu. For questions about financial aid, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.
Student Life
- Other student life information: Legal Resources Current Pomona students and alumni may contact the Sagehen Pro Bono immigration legal resources network (primarily composed of alumni) via email at any time for immigration issues or concerns that may arise. The Sagehen network is for current students, alumni and their immediate family members. Current students may also contact the Sagehen network to arrange a consultation with a lawyer regarding legal representation resources in case of detention (including a signed G28 form). Emergency Grants Students may request funding related to immigration-related costs. Students may also apply for emergency funding for immigration-related fees for them, parents or close family members. The College may provide up to $1,000 in legal support for immigration-related cases. These requests are reviewed with our alumni lawyers who are part of a pro bono legal resource network for students, alumni, as well as students who are citizens or legal permanent residents but whose parents or siblings are undocumented. On-Campus Resources A variety of resources are available to undocumented and DACAmented students who need support: Staff Support Student affairs staff provide support for undocumented students. In the Office of Student Leadership and Mentoring, Daniel Caballero serves as Assistant Director, First-Generation & Undocumented Student Programs and works closely with the IDEAS (Improving Dreams, Equality, Access and Success) Club of The Claremont Colleges as well as the Pomona IDEAS mentoring program for undocumented students and FLI (First-Generation, Low-Income Scholars Mentorship). Dean Ric Townes oversees the student leadership and mentoring program. Associate Dean of Students and Director of the Draper Center for Community Partnerships Sefa Aina. Draper Center Assistant Director, Stephanie Rios. and Associate Dean of Students and Director of the Asian American Resource Center Mike Manalo-Pedro provide additional program support. Student Groups Student-led groups such as IDEAS offer cross campus support for undocumented students and allies. The Pomona IDEAS peer mentoring program provides personalized support for undocumented students in their transition to Pomona. Counseling Services To supplement the resources of Monsour Counseling Center, the Dean of Students Office also offers access to therapists off campus with whom the office and Monsour counseling have developed local partnerships, including therapists with expertise in working with undocumented students. On-campus as well as off-site counseling services are available for all students. Students can email wellness@pomona.edu to find out more. Monsour counseling is also open for counseling appointments, and encourages students to contact them at (909) 621-8202 if they need to see a counselor immediately. Students can also contact the on-call dean 24/7 via Campus Safety (909-607-2000). Career Development and Post-graduation Support The Career Development Office (CDO) empowers students and alumni to utilize their liberal arts education to gain self-understanding, identify their interests, and formulate a career plan. Through the programs, resources and services, the CDO strives to inspire, educate, and equip Sagehens for a purposeful and rewarding life. The CDO offers three distinguished programs: The Pomona College Internship Program (PCIP Semester), Summer Experience (PCIP Summer Experience) and Campus Fellowships for Experiential Learning. These programs aid students in the process of exploring & determining a career path, gaining a rich understanding of a particular field and/or organization, building & growing their professional networks, and enhancing the understanding of how their liberal arts education will be applied in a professional work environment Students may request funding through the Office of Financial Aid to replace a reasonable amount of the expected work study funding and/or the student contribution if a student is not able to work due to an expiring DACA work authorization or other extenuating circumstances. Students may submit the Work-Study Replacement Request [pdf] form to the Office of Financial Aid. We also welcome students to meet with their financial aid counselor at any time if they encounter financial challenges or if there are changing financial circumstances at home. Each student’s financial circumstances are different and we work individually with each student to address any changes if issues emerge.