Seton Hall University

South Orange, NJ

Admissions Information

  • Are undocumented students considered international or domestic?: -Domestic
  • Are you need-blind for undocumented students?: -We are need-blind for all students
  • Are there any restrictions on merit aid for undocumented students at your school?: -No! Merit based scholarship is purely based on high school GPA and test scores (if applicable), undocumented students can apply test-optional
  • Does your school provide merit aid specially for undocumented students?: -No, since they can receive the same level of merit-aid as every other student.
  • Is there a special contact point for undocumented students?: -No, they will be assigned a counselor based on their address
  • What other piece of advice would you give an undocumented student hoping for admission at your school?: -Feel comfortable asking questions, we are here to help and do not report status to ICE or any other immigration enforcement agency.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

  • Are undocumented students eligible for need-based aid?: -If in New Jersey, they may be eligible by filing the NJ Alternative Financial Aid Application found here
  • If need-based aid is not available, is there a feasible path undocumented students can take to pay for their education with stackable merit scholarships, loans and/or grants from your school?: -Every student is welcome to apply for our range of stackable scholarships found here
  • What would be the requirements for such scholarships and what would a student's chances of getting them?: -The University Scholarship is the main merit-based scholarship and reviewed automatically. If accepted to Seton Hall, it is very likely they will receive a University Scholarship. The other scholarships are more competitive and their requirements can be found at the link above.
  • Other financial aid information: -We only use the FAFSA for need based aid

Student Life

  • Are there organized groups or clubs comprised of or advocating for undocumented students in your school?: -I am not aware of a specific club solely focusing on this issue, but some of our cultural, political and social justice clubs do advocate for undocumented students. A full list of our clubs and organizations can be found here
  • How often does your office receive applications from undocumented students?: -Through the Seton Hall application or Common App, like every other student. Those can be found here
  • Does your school allow Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers onto campus without a warrant?: -No
  • Does the campus police enforce immigration law?: -No
  • Does your school share student immigration status with ICE?: -No
  • Does your school provide distance-learning options for deported students to complete their degrees?: -Not traditionally, but more options may become available as a result of the pandemic
  • Does your school provide confidential legal support to students with immigration law questions and issues?: -Not that I am aware of

Other Information