University Of California Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, CA

Admissions Information

  • Other admissions information: It"s wonderful to hear that you are helping undocumented students with college access. At the University of California we too hope to have undocumented students feel like they are able to ask for help, apply and enroll on our campuses. Many of your questions are answered on our webpage for UC - In addition UCSB hosts application workshops and pre-recorded sessions for undocumented students - This page resides on our YouTube channel and is updated every summer prior to the application being posted.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

  • Other financial aid information: The financial aid page includes a link for "dream scholars" which is our term for UCSB undocumented students. The process to apply for financial aid will depend on the undocumented student status we see from the UC application. California undocumented students who apply for AB 540 might have a California Dream Act application and financial aid awards. Undocumented students from outside of California might not see that same aid award. But we do have a link to our current student scholarships on the UCSB Dream Scholars resource page -

Student Life

  • Other student life information: When students arrive at UCSB they have access to a full time staff member who is our Undocumented Student Services Coordinatro. Students can apply to be interns in this office too and be awarded stipends for their work. See the workshops, legal resources and more on the Undocumented Student Services page -

Other Information