Wells College
Aurora, NY
https://wells.eduAdmissions Information
- Are undocumented students considered international or domestic?: It depends on the student. A college has no way of knowing if a student currently present in the USA has official status or not except if a student informs the school or if a school official figures it out based on lack of abilty to declare a specific status like US citizen or PR or a visa-holder of some sort. A lot depends on where they most recently attended college (if any) or high school prior to applying to Wells.
- Are you need-blind for undocumented students?: We don’t know of a student’s need until they submit a FAFSA. Not submitting a FAFSA is another sign that the student is on a non-immigrant visa or undocumented, in which case they don’t qualify for state/federal financial aid programs. So, by default, the answer is “no".
- What other piece of advice would you give an undocumented student hoping for admission at your school?: Don’t be afraid to state the truth about your situation. Nobody can assist you if you hide it but make sure you have a relationship with your admissions counselor for the best service and the most help.
Other Information
- Special contact: international admissions person or whichever admissions counselor reaches out to you