Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY
https://wku.eduOther Information
- Other information: First off, all residents of any state that borders Kentucky actually receive in-state tuition here at WKU through the Border State Scholarship. You can learn more at www.wku.edu/border. This is guaranteed to any student accepted to WKU regardless of documentation status. Undocumented students apply as domestic students at WKU. We will never share their information with ICE or any immigration officials and they are not allowed on campus without a warrant. Students should answer directly on the application that they are undocumented, however it will not affect their application process at all. As long as an undocumented students meets our admission requirements they will be admitted to WKU. Students are admitted to WKU with at least a 2.5 unweighted GPA (no ACT is required for admission). If the student is between a 2.0-2.49 unweighted GPA they can be admitted but at that point their ACT score would determine their admission eligibility. Undocumented students are eligible for our merit scholarships here at WKU. You can view a list of our merit opportunities at https://www.wku.edu/financialaid/scholarships/freshmen-2122-academicyear.php. There are no applications for the scholarships on that page (except the Cherry Presidential) and they will be applied to the students account automatically as long as they meet the minimum requirements for the awards. They are renewable and stackable. We also have a minority scholarship called the Cornelius A Martin Award that the majority of undocumented students that I work with receive. Any other questions regarding financial aid at WKU should be directed to their office at fa.help@wku.edu. I work with undocumented quite regularly and many of those students choose to enroll at WKU for our campus community. We are a mid-sized institution that prides itself on the strong relationships between our faculty and students. They truly go above and beyond to help our students succeed, and as an institution we provide every resource possible to ensure that our students achieve their academic, career, and personal goals. WKU is located in Bowling Green which was voted the best city to live in Kentucky as well as a top college town in America. WKU is proud of our diverse student body, and our Intercultural Student Engagement Center works directly with any underrepresented student to provide them with additional academic, social, and professional support. You can learn more about their programs and initiatives at https://www.wku.edu/isec/.